
Funds are received from the State Government. These funds do not cover all the costs of operating the preschool. Each year budgets are submitted along with annual reports to the Department of Education and Communities. From the information submitted, fees are calculated to meet the operational costs.

Fundraising plays a vital role in raising extra money for equipment and resources for the preschool.

Lobbying local government for grants and making submissions to community schemes to acquire funds for small and large projects (playgrounds, renovations and extensions to existing buildings).

A membership fee of $50.00 is payable when your child is enrolled.

All fees are subsidised by the State Government. We have three levels of fees and your fee level will be determined by the age of your child as at the 31st July of your child's enrolling year and for families who hold a low income health care card from Centerlink or are of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander background, you will be eligible for a reduced rate. Please contact the preschool for the current rates.

If you feel you could be eligible for assistance or require further information, please contact the Office Administrator as soon as possible. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool