The Curriculum and Our Learning Environment

Our curriculum is play and interest based and supports the principles and practices of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and its Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

From ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority) website


“The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practices and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.  The Framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children’s learning providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. The Framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development.” 

From BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: 

“Fundamental to the Framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming. From before birth children are connected to family, community, culture and place. Their earliest development and learning takes place through these relationships, particularly within families, who are children’s first and most influential educators. As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world.

BELONGING: Experiencing belonging – knowing where and with whom you belong – is integral to human existence. Children belong first to a family, a cultural group, a neighbourhood and a wider community. Belonging acknowledges children’s interdependence with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities. In early childhood, and throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. Belonging is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and who they can become.

BEING: Childhood is a time to be, to seek and make meaning of the world. Being recognises the significance of the here and now in children’s lives. It is about the present and them knowing themselves, building and maintaining relationships with others, engaging with life’s joys and complexities, and meeting challenges in everyday life. The early childhood years are not solely preparation for the future but also about the present.

BECOMING: Children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, capacities, skills and relationships change during childhood. They are shaped by many different events and circumstances. Becoming reflects this process of rapid and significant change that occurs in the early years as young children learn and grow. It emphasises learning to participate fully and actively in society.”


The full version of ‘BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING’ The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia can be downloaded from the ACECQA website and is available on request.


Our early childhood educators welcome the sharing of information with families about the development and interests of the children both formally at planned meetings and informally during regular chats at drop-off and pick-up times and also via our Storypark program. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our educational program please come and talk to us.



Our Online Learning Community

In order to record children’s learning, Toukley Preschool use Storypark, an online learning community. Using Storypark enables you to have access to your child’s learning from their first day at Preschool.

Prior to starting Preschool, you will receive an email from Storypark inviting you to be part of our online learning community. Once you have accepted the invitation, you can download the “Storypark for Families” app, available on both android and IOS devices. You will be able to access your child’s learning and program through your phone app or  through Storypark via the web browser. Once you have accepted your invitation, you are able to invite people to be part of your child’s learning community.


In Storypark, each child has their own profile that can only be accessed by that child’s family. You will receive updates as educators upload observations, learning stories, planning and programming about your child and you are able to comment on their learning. When your child moves on from Preschool, you maintain ownership of their profile. You are able to print your child’s profile if you would like to keep a hard copy.


Within your child’s profile you will find references to the 5 Learning Outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework (ELYF) that form the principles and practise of our programming.


Learning Outcomes:            1. Children have a strong sense of identity

                                                2. Children are connected with and contribute to their World

                                                3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

                                                4. Children are confident and involved learners

                                                5. Children are effective communicators.

We will also refer to other learning and developmental theories and practices.


If you have any difficulty accessing your account or need assistance to show you how to access programs please do not hesitate to ask your child’s teachers who will guide you through the process.


Play Based Learning

Toukley Preschool uses play as the basis for learning and provide experiences that support holistic development of children. At Toukley Preschool we promote children’s agency. This means that we provide children with choices about where, how, what and with who they will play. In both the morning and afternoon children have access to both indoor and outdoor environments. Through this play environment children will develop skills and processes, such as curiosity, problem solving, resilience, communication, independence, negotiation, imagination, cooperation, turn-taking, reflection, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm and persistence. These experiences are provided to encourage learning through exploring their interests and building on their strengths and goals. 



Rest and Relaxation

Children’s rest and relaxation needs are diverse. At Toukley Preschool we recognise and support children’s individual rest and relaxation needs. In each classroom and outside, there are quiet spaces provided for children to access at any time during the day. These areas are equipped with cushions and quiet experiences, to cater for the needs of the child at any time. Families are encouraged to talk with educators about each child’s sleep and rest requirements, so that the children can be fully supported in their individual rest and relaxation routine. Educators will provide children with an opportunity to sleep on a bed if they choose. 

Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool