What to bring

 What will your child need to bring to Preschool?


 All children will need the following everyday:

  • A backpack or school bag with child’s name clearly written on it.

This backpack needs to be big enough to hold all their belongings including lunch box (containing ice brick), morning tea box, water bottle, spare clothes, sheets and hand towel!

  • Cot size FITTED SHEET for covering a bed and an additional flat sheet (if your child requires a sleep).
  • A WATER BOTTLE placed on top of the child’s locker with their lunchbox.
  • A HAT – broad brimmed or legionnaire style that protects the face, back of the neck and ears from the sun.

Please keep the preschool hat that you are given on enrolment in your child’s preschool bag so that they always have it at preschool. ALL children MUST wear a hat whilst outside.

  • A SPARE SET OF CLOTHING – including socks and extra underpants, t-shirt & jumper, shorts and track pants, as well as a spare hat for times when their normal hat is lost or forgotten.
  • A hand towel – to reduce paper towel use and promote sustainable practice.

Names wash off easily so please re-mark clothes and lunch boxes etc. as this happens throughout the year.


What to wear to Preschool…

Appropriate Sun Safe Clothing:

  • Broad brimmed hat (provided at enrolment).
  • T-shirts or dresses with sleeves that cover the shoulders.

Clothes that are loose and comfortable that allow for free movement for running, climbing, digging etc. (T-shirts & shorts for summer AND long-sleeved T-shirts & tights/track-pants for winter).

  • Old clothing that allows for full participation in messy play experiences.
  • Clothing they can manage alone as this creates confidence and independence.
  • Appropriate footwear that covers the top of the foot and has velcro closures to encourage self-help skills.

Joggers and sandals are best. Please DO NOT send your child in thongs, crocs, gumboots, ugg boots etc. as they inhibit their physical movement on climbing equipment and are likely to cause accidents.

Label, Label, Label Everything!        Label, Label, Label Everything!       Label, Label, Label Everything!        Label, Label, Label Everything!

Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool