School Readiness - Transition to School

The Evolving of Learning

 Transition to School


Toukley Preschool’s commitment to our families and community is to provide an early education for children to prepare them for their future.  We aim to seize key opportunities for children’s development and social engagement through the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework. This nationwide curriculum combines learning with play and is supported by professionally trained educators. Our emphasis is on learning and development of all children that is play-based, engaging and builds success for life.

We encourage you to be involved in your child’s journey of learning so that we can create an individual curriculum that builds on your own child’s interests and abilities while keeping you involved in your child’s learning and development.

Through the Early Years Learning Framework’s five learning outcomes, educators will assist your child to develop: 

• a strong sense of their identity

 • connections with their world

 • a strong sense of wellbeing 

• confidence and involvement in their learning; and 

• effective communication skills.   

We have developed learning centres within our rooms to help achieve these outcomes. These learning centres incorporate: 

  • the world in which we live
  • music
  • construction and manipulative planning/learning
  • science
  • sensory involvement
  • maths and literacy
  • drama and role play
  • arts and craft

Our outdoor learning environment is prepared to incorporate both fine and gross motor skill development and to establish children’s cooperative and collaborative learning along with teacher directed learning.

Throughout our day each child is given learning opportunities in our morning and afternoon indoor/outdoor learning sessions. In these sessions children have the opportunity to engage in child and teacher directed experiences. In the middle part of our day your child is involved in more teacher directed learning where each child has the opportunities of music, drama, literacy and numeracy, class projects, experiences that involve turn taking, following directions, investigating, researching and group collaboration. 

As you can see your child is truly involved in early education from the moment they commence their very first day of preschool until they begin their next journey of learning. We know that we have been an integral part of the confident child that transitions to primary school.

Our commitment to the evolving of learning for children to transition to school (sometimes referred to as “preschool program”) does not start in the year before school but rather commences from your child’s first day with us. We are committed to supporting your child through their learning journey which for some of our children can span over three years. We have the advantage of enrolling children from age three. This gives children the opportunity to develop a strong sense of belonging. When children feel they belong is when they are most effective learners. Developing a sense of belonging takes time and the length of time varies for each child.

“The early childhood years are not solely preparation for the future but also about the present.” Belonging, Being & Becoming, The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

Our opportunities for learning are individualised for each and every child. A child in their first year of preschool does not have the same expectations upon them that children in their year prior to school do. As children continue their journey of learning with us, the expectations for each child grows. All children first need to feel safe, comfortable, loved and cared for, a sense of belonging. As children progress in both their learning and years of attending, the expectations also grow and with the support of our professional educators your child will grow to amaze you even more. The child that you first left with us will have grown into a wiser, more confident and knowledgeable child when they transition to school. Your child’s social awareness will be extended and they will have become more capable of managing their emotions.

By working together, parents/caregivers and educators can enhance your child’s learning, social and emotional wellbeing. We encourage families to share their culture, interests and experiences with us here at Preschool to create meaningful learning experiences for each child in their growth and development.

As parents/caregivers you can make a difference by talking regularly with your child’s educators and asking them about the various methods of learning your child is involved in on a daily basis. You also can continue your child’s learning at home or through your everyday travels by discussing your child’s learning interests with them. 

We, the educators of Toukley Preschool enter into this learning journey with you and your child and we encourage you to be active with us. Be inquisitive, be involved, communicate with us and be a partner with us in your child’s evolving learning journey towards their transition to school.

Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool
Great times at preschool